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"Whether you’re looking to feel better emotionally, make positive changes in your life, or improve your relationships, our approach is integrative and employs research-supported interventions tailored to you."

• Experiencing sadness or depression

• Feeling empty, lonely, abandoned

• Trouble maintaining lasting relationships

• Feeling anxious, panicky, and stressed

• Issues around sex or sexuality

• Grief, loss, or bereavement

• Relationship issues, including infidelity and divorce

• Impacts of violence, abuse and trauma







• Parenting or family difficulties

• Destructive patterns—addictions, compulsions

• Concerns about body image or eating problems

• Lack of confidence

• Fears and phobias

• Difficulties with work, school, or unemployment

• Confusion about who you are

• Chronic pain or illness

Individual Therapy


Therapy can be an occasion of self-discovery, self-actualization and physical, mental and spiritual healing. nStal to individual counseling with an already established patient.

Some of the problems counseling at Mindset can help you or a loved one with include:

Counseling for Women


Mindset offers counseling services that are centered around women's issues and feminine life transitions. As women, we tend to live relational lives—we see ourselves as mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, wives, and partners. Our connections to friends and loved ones are critical, and contribute to our sense of identity and security. A connected and balanced life is a worthy endeavor, and can allow us the full expression of our best selves.  


Today, women are freer to make decision about careers, relationships, and lifestyle than ever before. But with more choices, comes increased demands. We often find ourselves doing more and enjoying less. When we get further out of balance because of changes in our lives, losses, or traumatic events, many of us begin to feel disconnected and out of touch—with ourselves, other people, and even our spiritual path. While painful, these times of imbalance can offer us a chance to look inside, reconnect with our deepest sense of self, and do some inner work for lasting growth and healing. The most confusing and challenging times in a woman's life can also be the most transformative! 

Trauma Treatment


Journeying alongside people recovering from childhood abuse, domestic abuse, or other traumatic life experiences is one of our greatest honors.  We know that you can heal and grow in ways that you might never have imagined before seeking counseling.  Some common trauma related symptoms you may be experiencing that Mindset therapists can help with include:


• Distressing memories

• Trouble concentrating

• Anger and irritability

• Shame and guilt

• Difficulty sleeping, including nightmares

• Flashbacks

• Anxiety, including panic attacks

• Overwhelming sadness, depression, and grief

• Emotional numbness

• Avoidance


We are skilled at using gold standard, trauma specific treatments to help you explore and honor your experiences, reclaim your connection to yourself, heal your wounds, and transform your life.



Trying to make changes but they don’t seem to stick? It’s easy to get discouraged. Good life coaching can help you get unstuck from frustrating old patterns and moving forward again into the life you want. Partnering with a coach can give you insight into yourself, new motivation and accountability, and the tools you need to:


  • Get clarity & motivation

  • Overcome obstacles

  • Identify your strengths

  • Be happier

  • Achieve your goals

  • Grow as a person

  • Have better relationships

  • Cultivate healthy habits

  • Design your life

  • Create the success you deserve


We use a variety of action-oriented strategies to help you get real results and make lasting changes. Whether you’re looking to become happier, healthier, achieve big goals, or discover yourself – we get it!


Clinical Supervision & Consultation


Mindset therapists have supervised and provided consultation for case managers, counselors, social workers, psychologists, and other mental health professionals at every stage of their careers, from trainees to seasoned professionals. We welcome practitioners from diverse theoretical backgrounds. Supervision is available under a variety of time frames, individually and for small groups.  Single consultations are also available for cases that may be temporarily presenting a difficulty.


Get Started Today


If you have additional questions about what successful therapy or coaching will look like for you given your specific circumstances, we offer free consultations via phone and email. Simply send a message below or call Mindset at 816-875-0276. You can also schedule an appointment at our virtual office right now.


Click Here To Make An Appointment Today

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